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THE MONKS of Ewu Monastery gather for prayer in the monastery, where guests are always welcome. Additional time during the morning is spent in lectio divina, a slow contemplative reading of the Scriptures which enables the Bible, the Word of God, to serve as a means for entering into the presence of God.

THE HORARIUM or daily schedule at Ewu Monastery is a modern adaptation of the cycle of prayer and work prescribed by St. Benedict in his Rule. Periods of common and private prayer, manual labor, and study are intertwined, so that the entire day can take on the character of Divine Praise. The daily schedule is as follows:

3:55 a.m.     VIGILS, the first communal prayer of the day (Sunday 4:44 a.m.)

5:10 a.m.     LAUDS (Sunday 6:00 a.m.)

5:30 a.m.     MASS (Sunday 8:30 a.m.)

12:25 p.m.  SEXT (Midday Prayer)

3:00 p.m.    NONE (Afternoon Prayer)

5:30 p.m.    VESPERS, (Evening Prayer,) Saturday and Solemnities included

8:30 p.m.    COMPLINE (Night Prayer)